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The mystery of insurance explained

THE MYSTERY OF INSURANCE EXPLAINED What is Insurance?Insurance happens when a person (insured) pays a certain amount of money (called premium) to an insurance company (insurer). This money is paid to ...

The mystery of insurance explained

THE MYSTERY OF INSURANCE EXPLAINED What is Insurance?Insurance happens when a person (insured) pays ...

Becoming Tech Savy in a Tech Era

We live in a world where technology is taking over. Many business have failed to adapt to the times ...

mSME Garage weekly news feed

E-commerce, commonly known as online business has not only propelled global trade but as well as ...

Pension Saving for The Informal sector

When one thinks of pension saving in Uganda there mind will not be far from thinking about the ...

Are Ugandans the Laziest Employees in The world

According a report from a 2016 survey on executive performance in East Africa, Uganda reportedly has ...

What Being Bankrupt means in Law

Once upon a time (time, time), in a village far far away called Bamboo, there lived a Mr Kalondo, a ...